Monday, November 3, 2014

Nothing like Gina Waite

There’s nothing like November!  The Fall leaves have dropped, the air contains the chills of Winter AND it suddenly becomes dark….at 5’o clock!  For my children, the idea that winter is close at hand sends visions of Christmas and snowboarding into their dreamy little heads.  For my husband, the fact that summer has gone lends itself to remembering great golf moments from summer’s past AND time to enjoy Chief Blackhawk and his team of mighty Hockey Warriors!   For me, November will always be a time of gratitude…gratitude that two of my favorite people were born!

Tom…one of the most naturally cheerful people I have EVER met…was born on this day in Rockford, Illinois.  Upon meeting his adult self…I was immediately intrigued.  He was older than I and with that had experienced a little more of life AND the world’s community.  I was drawn to listen to Tom’s stories of the places he’d been and the things he’d seen.  His love of history and art…AND general passion for life and laughter were all reasons that I decidedly wanted to spend more time with him!  …AND all of that has been an important part of our relationship BUT…it’s in how my husband has ALWAYS made me feel that truly captured my attention and has drawn me to him ever since!

To tell a woman she’s beautiful is one thing…to mean it with your entire soul is completely another matter!  After knowing Tom for some time, we began dating…and I quickly realized how much he loved my company.  His persistent concern for my safety and his desire for my comfort are part of the reasons I love him so much even now!  Dating was an enjoyable experience that was interlaced with the most beautiful expressions of hi s love and admiration for my whole person.  Referring to “Helen of Troy” and not knowing my love of Greek Mythology, I will NEVER forget one of Tom’s most memorable expressions as I walked down my parent’s staircase to greet him for a date…he said, “You have a face that would launch a thousand ships!”  The remarkable thing is, I could tell he truly meant it…and he’s made me feel beautiful every day since!

Two years and one month after we were married…we nearly delivered Jordan on his Dad’s birthday!  After 18 hours of knowing of his eventual arrival, Jordan was born one day after his Dad…a detail they enjoy even to this day!  Recently as my family sat down to enjoy each other’s company…my boys started reminiscing of birthdays gone by and told stories of experiences they’ve had together!  As I sat there, watching the pair of my November boys, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude…gratitude that I met my Tom, grateful for my adventurous Jordan and happy for the time of life I’m in!  As I said before…there’s nothing like November!

Happy Birthday Tom and Jordan…may you each enjoy your day AND may the Blackhawks have a wonderful season!!!!

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