My Mary Hazlett
You know it is really hard to write a blog when you just really don't want to. All I would really like to do is complain about my life...for starters...I am pregnant. Which is complicated by the fact that I have a cold that has lingered for 3 weeks and every time I cough...I usually fart or pee my pants... which is quite a gas to my 5 year old especially when we are grocery shopping. My entire body from my chin to my knees are swollen and my fingers and toes are getting more numb the longer I am typing.
Which all this complaining reminds me of a time in college. I was living with my sweet Aunt Sue and Uncle Rick. My Aunt Sue was and is quite industrious and social. She had a Bunco group once a month and it just so happened it was her month to host. On the day of the big Bunco party, one of the players could not be there due to illness and my aunt asked me to substitute for her. So, of course I relented because I loved my aunt and it really did sound like fun. The night began with all kinds of laughter, rolling dice, and eating treats. I was really enjoying myself amongst all this wonderful women. As the games came to a close, all of the ladies gathered round on the couch and began to discuss life. Not wanting to be rude, I sat on the floor in the living area just listening... and listening... about gout, diabetes, lumps, hair removal, calluses, stretch marks... all things that seemed quite foreign to a girl barely 20. This is when my aunt looked at me and said, "Mar what you thinking?'. I replied with, "Just thinking about all I have to look forward too." Sure this is a funny event but also amazing how an event like this can give you a little perspective.
Today marks exactly one year since I did my very first post on my mother's blog...announcing the passing of my beautiful wonderful mother. I remember when my mom first started writing this blog she would call me on occasion and ask me why it was again that she was doing this... and I would go on about how her readers needed her and her words....her perspective.
So to gather a little more perspective of what to write today, I scoured all of Mom's nutshell blogs she had written. Of course the morning was spent with tears, laughter, and with an even greater bond to my mother as she reminisced about her childhood, teenage-hood, motherhood, and grandma..hood. I got to travel with her to California, Utah, and outer space, eat her Mom's apple pie, giggle with her and her little sister, open her cedar chest, blow bubbles with her in the backyard, see my dad as a hero, watch her give her hard earned money to someone in need, laugh at the silly owl decoy in the garden, and put on her old purple socks.......all of her stories carried a single theme that no matter what... life is PRECIOUS! Life should be enjoyed not just endured. Love those you serve and serve those you love.
Thank you Mom for cheering up my perspective! Once again, you have made my day a little brighter!
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