Sunday, May 9, 2021

"I _________ you!" Jim Terry

I always feel a bit conflicted about whether or not I should write something for Mother’s Day. It’s a time of year where we celebrate that one person that bore us. The very same person that cuddled, nurtured, encouraged, and that one person that loved us unconditionally. But what does one do, if your mother is no longer here with you? I thought that as time passed that missing my mother, who died over seven years ago now, would become easier.  Alas, it has not happened. However, when I emerge from my room of self-pity, I realize that my ability to “cope” has been increased simply from remembering all of the wonderful memories I have of her. 

For all of the ball games you attended, come rain or shine, rooting on her “little blue-eyed boy,” I revere you. 

For all of the breakfasts cooked, lunches made and the dinners prepared, I cherish you.

For all of the bedtime stories and the homemade jammies, I value you. 

For all of the advice, guidance and lessons learned you gave to me, I respect you.

For all of the restless nights waiting for me to come home from a date or simply to visit, always welcoming me with a warm hug, I admire you.

For your commitment to others and to your family, I appreciate you. 

And for everything else you did for me or for others that may remain unmentioned or unthought-of...I MISS you and I LOVE YOU!

So on this day make sure to cherish and honor your mothers if they are here with you. And to those moms that may not be here, maybe think of this quote by Abraham Lincoln, “All That I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”


P.S. Don't forget to fill in the "_____" in today's title for your mother!

♦ Hope you'll let us share your stories and photos here at our residence "In a Nutshell." Email us at  

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