Wednesday, August 9, 2017

"T" is For Terry ... by Gina Waite

Just to review what is happening with "In A Nutshell" this week, we are on day three of six reviewing thoughts and memories associated with each letter in the word, "FATHER" as we celebrate my Dad's birthday and so many family birthday's in August (if you haven't already been keenly aware...we've got a couple to celebrate and remember.) We've already reviewed "F" and "A" so that brings us up to speed with the letter, "T":
I'm calling it the TERRIFIC letter "T" as it clearly has so many associations with our family ... starting with our last name, "TERRY" and the fact our family claims TWINS. From what I understood of the TUMULTUOUS years that the TWINS experiencing their TWOS ... my Mom had to TAKEOFF to the TROPICS in order to have a TIME out and much needed THINKING TIME. Having the TWINS in our TRIBE has been a TOTAL TREAT. Ryan TICKLES our funny bone with his incredible comedic TIMING and Richard keeps us up-to-date in the latest and greatest, TECHNOLOGY! They both TIED-the-knot with TROPHY wives and Richard's son's, Gabriel and Andrew, constantly TEACH us that to be happy we just need to be, TOGETHER ... and frequently to play with TRAINS and TYRANNOSAURUS rexes!

Our beautiful neice Savahnna, Angie's daughter, and her TITANIC bearded dragons are quite the TEAM of TRAINER and TRAINEE but when TWO male dragons are close enough to see each other, the TECHNIQUE of TRYING to dominate each other just about brought her Aunt Gina to TEARS! Mary, our baby sister, and her husband BEN, are amazing TEAMMATES and parents to the THREE of the smartest, most adorable TRIBE I've ever seen. Ben's amazing ability of TEACHING people to TALK again also incorporates his capability of TRANSLATING everything he TEACHES into Spanish.
I think of all the TREES we planted over the years and the hours and hours of TIME spent on the TRAMP perfecting games like Add-On and TANNING on TOP of it all Summer long! The Touch-downs thrown in our backyard, the TENDENCY of our TROOP to spend TIME playing pinball on our very own pinball machine enTITLED, "TILT!" The Summer afternoon THUNDERSTORMS and the TEMPTATION to spend a lot of TIME overlooking the valley from the TERRIFICALLY positioned TERRITORY of the TERRY home makes me THANKFUL to remember the letter "T"!
Stay TUNED TOMORROW for the letter "H"! That Nutshell HIGHLIGHTS the HILARIOUS HAPPENINGS of the Terry HOME!

 Hope you'll let us share your stories and photos. Visit us here, at our residence, "In a Nutshell." Or you can email us at

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