Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What makes us happy ...

Marlene Terry
I know. I know. You're standing there looking at the calendar wondering how in the world it could possibly be November of all things.

The truth is every year it surprises me more ... how fast the time passes by. And despite my resolutions of each new year, I'm always caught "with my pants down" so to speak and unprepared for the upcoming holidays, that although I love the spirit of it all, seem to come two or three times a year instead of just once.

Thanksgiving Day this year is on Thursday of course. But it also falls on the last Thursday of the month, the 28th.
That means we'll have just two days before Dec. 1st, barely enough time to get the Thanksgiving dinner dishes done and put away.
...  According to Martha Stewart protocol, by then we should also have our Christmas tree up and decorated, our Christmas cards addressed and stamped, and our shopping nearly complete. ... Right!

Guess there's no need to worry about what we need to do this year and can't. Just need to take joy in whatever makes us happy.  
... Like making an especially cute turkey treat this week, and giving it away to neighbors, friends and for me, two cute little grandkids who I'm sure will just love my ...  "Peanut butter turkeys, Nana?"

Hope you saved some of that candy corn from a few days ago. Here's the process.Enjoy!

♦ Hope you'll let me share YOUR stories and photos here at my residence "In a Nutshell." Email me at nutshellstories@gmail.com.

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